Imperialist War

Only Revolution Can Cleanse This Filth

The capitalist system, floundering in its historical crisis, continues to exist alongside the immense unemployment it has created, the deepening poverty of the masses, and the imperialist wars of division it has spread. The rulers of this system, which is turning our world into an increasingly chaotic and hellish...

published on 2 March 2025

What do the Latest Developments in the Middle East Tell Us?

The Syrian war, which is a part and a front of the ongoing Third World War, has flared up with unprecedented speed after nearly five years. HTS forces, together with other partners, launched an offensive on 27 November, captured Aleppo and started advancing towards Hama. First of all, we must say that this wave of...

published on 3 December 2024

From Gaza to the West Bank: Palestine’s Deepening “Nakhba”

Both the liberation of the Palestinian people and the liberation of the peoples of the world from becoming part of the new links of the war depend on the workers of the region, the Israeli workers and eventually the workers of the whole world to raise the struggle. Considering the impact of the short-lived general...

published on 20 September 2024

Zionist Machine of Persecution and Real Friends of Palestinian People

The Israeli state’s attacks against the Palestinian people are relentless and the massacres in Gaza are unceasing. The Zionist war machine not only condemns the Palestinians to hunger and poverty with the unrestrained siege it has established, but also squeezes them into a narrower and narrower area in the south and...

published on 22 March 2024

Solidarity Actions for the Palestinian People Spread Across the World

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, massacre of thousands of Palestinians, and the intensification of its attacks following Hamas’ rocket attacks are being protested in many countries with demonstrations attended by hundreds of thousands of people. Despite the bans ordered by the governments that support Israel, 300...

published on 26 October 2023

Palestinian People in the Grip of Imperialist War

The current conditions of imperialist war have linked the fate of the Palestinian people and the working classes of the Middle East more than ever before. This makes it necessary for the labourers of the region to wage a common struggle against capitalism. It is impossible to move forward without the participation...

published on 12 October 2023

What Does the Ukraine War Tell?

We often emphasise that today's world is a world of crises and wars. But it is also a world of revolts and revolutions. As the history of the modern world shows, such deep crises and large-scale wars are also the seedbeds of revolts and revolutions. A host of mass struggles and revolts since the beginning of 2000s...

published on 22 May 2023

No to the Imperialist War in Ukraine!

On 24 February Russia launched war against Ukraine. What must be underlined in the first place is that this is an imperialist war and it forms a new link in the Third World War. The long term accumulated tension in the Ukrainian fault line by imperialist rivalry has now violently ruptured. Although it is true that...

published on 28 February 2022

Kahrolsun Saray ve Onun Savaşı!

Sıkışmışlık içindeki Erdoğan, emperyal hayallerinde kilit öneme sahip olan İdlib’deki hâkimiyetini korumak ve orada beslediği cihatçı çetelere arka çıkmak için, daha da büyüme potansiyeli taşıyan bir savaşın düğmesine bastı. Bu kez karşısında Kürt güçleri değil, bizzat bir devlet vardır: Suriye devleti. Suriye’nin...

published on 3 March 2020

2020’ye Girerken Artan Hoşnutsuzluk ve Rejimin Yeni Maceracı Adımları

Seçimlere dair tartışmaların, ağırlaşan ekonomik krizin, savaşın, artan baskıların damgasını vurduğu, bu unsurlar üzerinden faşist rejimin sıkışıklığının arttığı bir yılı geride bıraktık. Bilhassa ekonomik krizin yıkıcı etkileri emekçi kitleleri vurdukça, iktidar gerçekleri gözlerden saklamak için bir yandan yeni...

published on 31 December 2019

Savaşın Ekonomisi

Askeri harcamaları arttıranlar sadece ABD ve diğer emperyalist güçler değildir kuşkusuz. Bu noktada Türkiye’nin konumuna baktığımızda da özellikle son dört yılda büyük bir ivmeyle yükselttiği askeri harcamalarla dünyada 15. sırada yer aldığını görüyoruz. Bunun faşist rejimin içeriye ve dışarıya dönük savaş...

published on 4 November 2019

“Güvenli Bölge” ve Rejimin Kürt Açmazı

Faşist bloku oluşturanlar, yaşanması muhtemel bir ekonomik çöküşe karşı ortaya çıkacak tepkileri göğüslemek, Kürt sorunu ve savaşın yarattığı siyasi-askeri krizlerle baş edebilmek amacıyla inşa ettikleri faşist rejimi ayakta tutmak için gerek içeride gerekse de dışarıda artan bir gerginliğe ihtiyaç duyuyorlar. Kitle...

published on 17 September 2019
