
Only Revolution Can Cleanse This Filth

The capitalist system, floundering in its historical crisis, continues to exist alongside the immense unemployment it has created, the deepening poverty of the masses, and the imperialist wars of division it has spread. The rulers of this system, which is turning our world into an increasingly chaotic and hellish...

published on 2 March 2025

Marxism and the Ideological Traditions of the Turkish Left

The period between 1960 and 1971 represents a very significant episode in the history of the left-wing movement in Turkey. Indeed, during this period, the socialist movement in Turkey opened itself to masses, leaving behind the protracted years that passed with silence and lack of organisation. Embracing...

published on 30 January 2025

Historical Experience and the Theory of Permanent Revolution

It is very important to overcome the theoretical confusion reproduced at a more intellectual level by some “revolutionary Marxist” circles who adapted themselves tothe Third Worldism and hoodwinked by these movements. Here, we only touch briefly on the matters such as; why and how in backward countries had the petty...

published on 30 January 2025

Principled Attitude in Trade Union Struggle /2

Although it appears to be inspired by revolutionary Marxism, petty-bourgeois revolutionism, which cannot fully absorb it, causes various left deviations as it manages to creep in the labour movement. Such tendencies have been expressed in various political forms in the past and continue to do so today. However, the...

published on 10 January 2025

Variations of Bonapartism from Nasser to Chavez

With the overthrow of the Assad government in Syria, the last bastion of Baathism was destroyed. On this occasion, we see that the confusion about Baathism within the socialist movement has once again been exposed. This article from 2006 deals with both Chavismo and Baathism , analysing their similarities, their...

published on 3 January 2025

Principled Attitude in Trade Union Struggle

The question of how to approach the trade union struggle has always given rise to important debates, depending on different political conceptions. This question has lost none of its importance today. Especially in view of the conditions of decline of the labour movement, it is clear that the class today needs views...

published on 26 June 2024
Growing Working Class

Academic Marxism Bidding Farewell to the Proletariat

For the success of the working class struggle the unity of two fundamental elements, namely the Marxist world view and the militant action of the working class, is essential. This unity has been profoundly shattered by the unfavourable conditions which began with the retreat of the revolutionary wave in Western...

published on 18 June 2024
Growing Working Class


It is the globalised proletariat, not the “popular alliances” dominated by the petty-bourgeoisie, that is ringing the danger bells of the globalising capitalist order of exploitation. Our aim in this book is to clarify the reality of the working class in various aspects under the shining scientific light of Marxism....

published on 13 June 2024

Globalisation: Uneven and Combined Capitalist Development /6

Capitalism’s law of uneven and combined development accelerates the globalisation of capital and formation of large economic unions, while at the same time producing even greater inequality and fierce competition. It is clear that the tendency towards unity, which is rooted in economic base, is doomed to be in...

published on 15 May 2024

Political Perspectives: World and Turkey - 2024

In the following document we, Marksist Tutum, present our perspectives and a general framework of our analyses of the political, economic and social developments in the world and Turkey, which will guide us in the period of struggle ahead.

published on 23 February 2024

Globalisation: Uneven and Combined Capitalist Development /4

One of the issues that needs to be carefully examined today is the view that imperialism, or globalisation as it is now called, is holding back underdeveloped countries and regions. Does the dominant position of capitalist countries, which are much more economically developed and powerful, really have a

published on 26 December 2023
From Bonapartism to Fascism


It is clear that the analysis of the bourgeois state and its different forms is of central importance in Marxist theory. Based on the problems in this field, Marxist circles have over the years conducted debates and took different approaches. The differences in analyses on the extraordinary forms of rule of the...

published on 27 October 2023
